If those are candles, then these guys are trying to set the building on fire. What else could it be in 1786, gas?
KD: What is the source of the lights? And if somebody knows, what's this Utrecht Academy?
- Original image title, "Afbeelding der Iluminatie ter Gelegenheid van 't Jubilaeum van de Hondert en vijftig Jaar der Oprechting van de Utrechtsche Academie op kosten der Heeren Studenten, Onder Direxie en na de inventie van den Schilder P.J. Muller, den 31 Meij 1786"
- Google Translated: "Image of the Illumination on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Hondert and fifty years of the Oprechting of the Utrecht Academy at the expense of the Heeren Students, Under Direction and after the invention of the painter P.J. Muller, the 31 May 1786"
- Source
KD: What is the source of the lights? And if somebody knows, what's this Utrecht Academy?