
Grand Vizier Ibrahim Pasha, his Giants and tiny Frenchmen

The children of the Vicomte d'Andrezel, French Ambassador to the High Gate, are introduced to the Grand Vizier Ibrahim Pasha, October 10, 1724. Jean Baptiste Vanmour. This painting is dated with "c.1724".
Wondering if this building still exists. Room dimensions and the height of the door on the right could definitely help out here.
Should be the Kubbealtı, a place in the Topkapı Palace, Istanbul - Imperial Council (Ottoman Empire)

By the way... what is going on here?

It seems many fake paintings have been spread all over the internet. I remember clearly that the first is the original one though. Here an article from 2014 which used the original The Ottoman Empire’s No 2 man.

The original is confirmed on the wiki of Jean-Baptiste Louis Picon and on the French wiki of the author himself Jean-Baptiste van Mour.