Recent content by Sonofabor

  1. Sonofabor

    How did the sand get into the Sahara Region?

    Michelle Gibson has a video on North Africa in which see cites Star Wars lore. Pretty interesting:
  2. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    For a most sustained and compelling Gnostic take on the Mandela Effect, check out: John Lash.
  3. Sonofabor

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    6,000 being the the standard Biblical reference for the origin our world. Yes, this was the cause of my skepticism. I knew well that "China" as-such was as an early 20th century concoction. However, local cultures have gods and writings and certain linguistic particularities that were never...
  4. Sonofabor

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    My friends do real work, with real plans, with real technologies, and with a vast array of contractors and sub-contractors. They know how things of gigantic proportions are built. They've done it multiple times, up and down the American west coast. I'll let them know your skepticism. In any...
  5. Sonofabor

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    I have friends with 40+ years experience in building large, high-rise commercial structures. We've looked closely at the remnants of the old age--built of sandstone, granite and copper-- in my current locale. I'm told by them that these structures could be 6 thousand years old. I also see...
  6. Sonofabor

    Our timeline could be much shorter than we think...

    I thought the video interesting. However, when Tristan started talking with such simple-minded authority that "this or that" was built in "such and such" year, I thought: Hasn't he been to SH? There's a lot more mystery in the history than the weird certainty suggested by a bifocal historical...
  7. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    Yes, my best new friends out here in the North American hinterland see things a lot like you. A (re)tuning moment appears to be upon us. If it happens, I might miss 50's and 60s' jazz and other hopeful (soulful) aspects of this iron age. But I'm definitely open to something better. Unlike...
  8. Sonofabor

    What If the Mappa Mundi is the True Map of the World Hypothesis. Chapter 1.

    From Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 8.
  9. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    Quotes from the above link: Rudolf Steiner in 1923: The brilliant, soulful people-- no matter how programmed-- still shine.
  10. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    It is strange for me,too. As much as I know it is cultural-specific, that culture and its burning bush demi-god have had enormous influence everywhere. The script is, so to say, operational.
  11. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    The Bible says that we're blocked by a "flaming sword" from knowing the truth of life. My guess is that we're in the predicament to learn to use our reason, intuition, empathy and creativity in our individual soul development. A lifetime of work, most don't give it much thought. Others use the...
  12. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    I know of all of this, too-- which, of course, makes me suspicious. I know you know what I mean... In any case, we do have the present and the reboot going on before us against which to judge possible pasts and "how they pulled it off." One of the top writers here, many moons ago, turned me...
  13. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    In the 1990s, I read Baudrillard very closely. He pretty much proved, from a lefty critical perspective, that we are living in a simulation. It is interesting to me that stolen history proves, by appeal to artifacts, that his theoretical insights are more real than I, in any case, could imagine.
  14. Sonofabor

    Question | Year 2030: what are they hiding?

    Well, Trump's "personal emissary," Juan O Savin said in a recent interview that our current civilization is built on an older civilization. Of course, this blows by the interviewer, as usual. (Oh, why can't we interview him?) He then went on to state that God destroyed this civilization for its...
  15. Sonofabor

    Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?

    I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense. It was definitely watered down, made Judean and Roman and that of the King (James). The esoteric can still be seen between the lines. The discoveries in 1945 also helped the seekers-- stripping all the sacrificial rhetoric and rituals that...