18th & 19th centuries: artificial Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis

Always thought that the 1755 Great Lisbon Earthquake was weird:
  • In combination with subsequent fires and a tsunami, the earthquake almost totally destroyed Lisbon and adjoining areas.

Isn't it interesting that back in 1750 (probably waaay earlier than that) people knew what needed to be done to cause an artificial earthquake. It definitely appears that they also knew how to cause a tsunami. Google Ngram did not disappoint. I picked a few book excerpts to demonstrate the content pertaining to the artificial earthquakes. You are more than welcome to toy with the search results yourself.

artificial earthquake.jpg

artificial earthquake - 1.jpg

artificial earthquake - 2.jpg


artificial earthquake - 7.png


... you might like this one here...
artificial earthquake - 4.jpg


artificial earthquake - 6.jpg


artificial earthquake - 5.jpg


Artificial Volcanoes

artificial volcano - 1.jpg


KD: TPTB had over 265 years to perfect the technique. Who knows what happened in San Francisco in 1906, or in Messina in 1908? While we are wondering what happened in California in 2019, some scientists are probably perfecting and testing, testing and perfecting. Who knows?
As to what technologies or capabilities for creating earthquakes and other plausibly natural disasters the TPTB might possess today:

A few years ago Cryptome published a series of articles by one Trowbridge H. Ford.

Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 1-2
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 3
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 4
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 5
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 6
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 7
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 8
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 9
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 10
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 11
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 12
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 13
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 14
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 15
Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 16

Apologies for the long list of links. I can't seem to find a single index page for all 15 parts.

Whether the narratives given in this series are entirely true, or represent another layer of "limited hangout", the reporting is certainly meticulous enough!