Hi... I have seen quite a few... Once you know what to look for there are many.
How I know what t look for is because around 2000 I was out exploring a mountain near where I lived by walking up the river gully that emptied the mountain waters into the river below... I was about 2 klms up and when approaching a cascade area I saw a ball of fog that was about 4m diameter and about 3m high... The ball of fog seemed to be lit up by the sunlight but there was no sunlight able to access this deep part of the gully... That's what got my attention... I knew that the fog wasn't lit up by the sun so as I got closer I could see 3 people in there... They were difficult to see because they were sort of translucent. I froze where I was standing so that they might not see me... This ball of fog/mist thing was about 10 metres from where I was standing... There were people in there... 2 sitting facing each other and one standing up looking out at the forest and ferns that were there... He was just standing with his hands in hi pockets... One of the people at the table was sort of facing me but kept looking at the desklike touchscreen thing and he seemed to be talking to the other with his back to me.. I watched them for about a minute without moving a muscle because the nearest tree t me was about 2 away and I couldn't get a break from the dude facing me... Anyhow... The fellow facing me saw me a said "We've been spotted" and quicker than a flash they and the ball of fog/mist disappeared... And when I say quicker than a flash I really mean it... It was so fast I think it was in a non-time moment... (that puzzled me almost more than seeing them in it)
Anyway.. WWhen I got back home I reported it to the 'official' UFO center in Sydney (which was at the Freemason HQ I think) and sort of didn't worry if they did not reply.
But blow me down... I got an email inquiry from the Navy at HMAS Penguin in Sydney.... I told them I saw 3 Aliens in the fog/mist thing because I wanted6a bit of mental space to work this stuff out.But... After getting the crap hacked out of me for several months I told them that there was people in that thing. I did not tell them direct... I posted it to a blog in the USA because I knew the would read it... The hacks eased off after that but no doubt I would have some sort of 'flag' on my name and whatever.
So... Because I know what to look for as opposed to 'lights moving' or flying saucers or Tictacs or even cigar shapes like that that have an outer skin... I look for these mist/fog' clouds that have to much light coming out of them... To date I have seen 3 others... And they are fairly big.. 2 at a distance of probably a few kilometres and one recently probably the the same distance. The interesting thing is that when they dissappear in the sky in an instant they cause a flare of light like liquid light dribble/drop sort of light... The all do the same thing... I think its a plasma flare caused by the instant 'delocation' which causes the surrounding atmosphere to react in an energetic way... It might be an electromagnetic reaction to massive instant energy vacuum there.
All 3 seem to be over water for some reason and all of them are above brackish water. (could be a coincidence but hey)
This recent one is interesting though... Its far-king hyooge... About the size of a small village or hamlet maybe... I've seen it about ten times now... Once it was so obvious because the cloud/mist/fog was all out on it's own in a mostly clear sky but with high winds... And it wasn't moving... But the mist on top was getting blown away from it... I looked around to grab a witness and showed him but he thought it was just a weird cloud that didn't budge, but when I said how then is the top mist getting blown off he said it must be the way that the air currents work... It was not translucent at the time and it did not do the flash thing because it faded slowly, which is how the arrive... Real slow.
Anyway... There are people in those 'Area Ships' and the big one seems to have 3 or 4 floors. (or decks) and what is weird is that I've seen a very old painting from about the 1300 - 1400 AD timeline about 10 or 12 years ago on the Internet that I cannot find anymore... The painting had one big ball thing in the sky with 3 floors in it and people standing in there and it had no walls or containment showing in the picture/painting.... That is the same thing as I see.
Somehow I think this stuff is the same sort of technology that is in the Bible regarding the 'Rapture'... And with what I've seen makes that Rapture story more plausible... I think it happens quite a lot... you know... People re-habiting cities... Who built all of those buildings that weren't built by the horse and cart people???
Human Aliens... I wonder where they are from?... I'm beginning to think that there are many many of them here and they have some sort of 'beam me up scotty' sort of arrangement.
Just to clarify something…I realised something after I posted this… they probably don’t arrive slowly they most likely arrive instantly and
then the fog gathers … I think the fog/mist/cloud gathers and builds up because of it’s energy causes that.. not because it’s done on purpose for a ‘cloak (because the mist/fog makes them easier to see in the daytime it wouldn’t be done on purpose)…so they don't
fade slowly, they disappear instantaneously… the mist/fog/cloud fades slowly after it has left… and that ‘ plasma flare’ would be difficult to see in the daytime. (I’ve never seen one in the daytime)
To see one do the whole ‘thing’ is really time consuming… they can stay for hours…I would get a crick neck watching one of these. And sometimes I would end up watching a normal cloud for 5 or 10 minutes before I disregard it.
This puts a new spin on jumping at shadows… it’s more like jumping at clear light.