This question makes me think of one of the many forged/faked/manipulated images of the "Nukes" Hoax. (Of course, they simply used plain incendiary fire bombs, as they did all over Japan in general, no nukes.)
So, perhaps this photo is merely a real image of Americans standing on a hill, overlooking Hiroshima. In which case, the image would be simply showing us an actually burned by plain-old-fire Hiroshima. In which case, the image doesn't need forgery, they simply attached a real photo to the "Nuke" Hoax. And yet, this image appears to me to be a model due mainly to the building/thing near the man's hand. It seems too close to them, as if they are NOT standing far away on a hill. Thus, this looks like a model.
Whether or not this is a photo of a model, or a photo of actual Hiroshima, either way, Nukes don't exist. This image I'm posting doesn't matter, since ALL the Nuke design/testing/aftermath images are faked. I'm simply saying: when I think of the idea of models, my mind automatically recalls the following image. (As well as the obvious FOR-SURE models of "homes" they used in their "Nuke Test" propaganda films.) Someone, please post that
for-sure-wooden-model "house/barn being blown away by a 'nuke test' film".
So, about Bethenn's confident claim, well: yes & no. That "1877" inscription DOES look kinda' model-ish. But, there are details within the largest TIFF version of the SF photo, seeming to show it's NOT a model.
Still, this is a nice chance for us to post various "official photo" images which appear to be mere models. So here are 2 differently-cropped versions of the "Hiroshima aftermath" which appears model-ish to me:
Note: this "wooden model" technique will only be found in propaganda images created before modern CGI. From the '90s, they've had the ability to use CGI to create their models: shown in their 2001 "9/11" movie.
Speaking of this idea of models being used in official-story hoaxes, this Dresden image looks model-ish:
One reason is: where is the junk? It seems to show mere buildings, without sufficient items/bodies/stuff. Just as in a similar way the CGI folks who created the "9/11 aftermath videos" didn't add in enough stuff. True rubble images should have had lots of elevator cable, carpet, furniture, bodies, not just steel beams.
And, let's remember to NOT let any purposefully/accidentally wrong-ideas take away from our discoveries. Meaning, avoid this: "SF image model" "Yeah" "Oh wait, no" "SF photo not model... so... Official story true." See, our discoveries built from thousands of image/video/story analyses, do NOT depend on any 1 image.
- All "Nuke footage" is solidly proven fake. That discovery does NOT hinge "whether the above is a model."
- All "9/11 footage" is solidly proven CGI. That discovery does NOT hinge on "whether 1 frame looks real."
- All "Space footage" is solidly proven CGI. That discovery does NOT hinge on "whether 1 frame looks real."
- All "Burned then instantly rebuilt" stories are solidly proven illogical, thanks mainly to KD, & SH members.
So, yes, let's share images on this thread which appear to show them using various models in past hoaxes. How about including various moon-models, & any instances of them using models instead of filming reality. But let's remember: StolenHistory discoveries do NOT depend on whether any 1 image was a model or not.